Bryan Smith & Mayanna Berrin

Bryan Smith and Mayanna Berrin–herein referred to as the writing duo “Bryanna”–are what’s known in show-biz as a “Triple Threat”: they write scripts together, they do stand up together, and they share website bios together!

As a writing duo and romantic couple, the most remarkable aspect of Bryanna is that they’re still happily together, even after many late-night writing arguments–-most recently, a debate over which name is funnier for a fictional hamster: Colonel Sawdust or Squeakz?

Despite these spirited back and forths, they always find a way to laugh together and produce work that shocks them both by being greater than the sum of its parts. They’ve also discovered that the sweetest thing they can say to one another is a softly whispered “No Notes.

Joining creative forces hasn’t always been an easy road–initially they split up the writing duties with Bryan taking the verbs, Mayanna handling the nouns, and both sharing the adjectives. However, as time has gone on, they have found better ways of sharing the load… and keyboard. Ultimately, they discovered the true essence of their voice as a writing duo comes from the beautiful, messy collision of their opposite lived experiences.

Mayanna found her comedic style in her loud, mixed Long Island family that sent her to improv classes before she could talk. She grew up as a kid collecting action figures, playing video games, and making as many silly noises as she could. She now, as a professional writing adult, collects action figures, plays video games, and makes work-appropriate silly noises wherever possible. Eep!

Bryan developed his need-for-laughter while trying to differentiate himself from his identical twin brother–they divided up the color wheel in half so they could individualize, with Bryan receiving blue, orange, and yellow. Now able to wear all the colors, Bryan has focused his energy on teaching himself eclectic hobbies such as 3D printing, sewing, curling, and calligraphy. He was once banned from the Calligraphy Subreddit over a fiery debate surrounding SpongeBob’s capital T letterform (Season 2, Episode 17).

Overall, Mayanna is more of a “Lil’ Silly Goose” while Bryan is more of a “Well-Tempered Owl.” They are both asked “Is this a bit?” on an hourly basis.

Bryanna have made their career trying to figure out what “the kids” are into these days and the rest of the time attempting to explain their career to their parents. Nickelodeon seems like the perfect place to continue to unleash their unique duo-ship on the world! If their six-year-old selves could see this bio now, they would say, “Wow! This is amazing! We’re so proud of you! Wait… What’s a website?

Nick Animation Program Writers
Writing Program

Founded in the year 2000, the Nickelodeon Writing Program is a full-time, paid, yearlong development Program for television comedy writers with unique voices and fresh perspectives. Join us at the studio in Burbank for classes and workshops to sharpen your skills, executive mentorship and networking to build your professional relationships, and the opportunity to work in the iconic live-action and animation writers’ rooms at Nick. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dedicate yourself to the craft of writing and build your career from the ground up.

The Nick Writing Program is not a writing contest – It’s a launching pad for emerging creatives. If you bring the unique voice and innovative ideas for kids’ and family content, we’ll help you launch a career with all the tools you’ll need to succeed in the industry for years to come.

We need your talent and perspective, so come tell us your story!


Submissions are closed.


Please note: all submission and notification dates are subject to change.

Nick Animation Artist Program Icon
Artist Program

We can’t create the most awesome kids’ content in the world without the most awesome artists in the world. 

The Nickelodeon Artist Program is a 6-month, full-time paid talent development program for aspiring pre-production artists. We seek out talented designers, painters, story artists, and CG generalists with diverse voices from underrepresented communities, with the goal of mentoring, developing, and staffing the next generation of inclusive storytellers and content creators. 

The Nick Artist Program is designed to kick-start the journey of career-ready artists! If you’re ready for the SLIME of your life, come join us at the Nick Animation Studio.  

Please note: All dates are subject to change. 

Rocko’s Modern Way of Easily Applying for Cool Animation Jobs.