Nick Shows

Bunsen is a Beast

Bunsen is a Beast centers on a little monster (beast) named Bunsen, who happens to be the first beast ever to attend a school for human kids. There’s a lot of pressure on Bunsen to succeed. People have a lot of silly misconceptions about beasts - so he needs to prove to everyone that monsters can live among humans without eating them or laying eggs in their chest that explode when they hatch. If Bunsen blows it, the rift between beasts and people will widen, and they will probably never be invited to each other’s holiday parties. But rather than living in fear of failure, Bunsen burns with optimistic enthusiasm and is determined to succeed at all costs!





butch hartman Nick Creator
Meet the Creators

Butch Hartman

Butch is an incredibly prolific creator, animator, actor and producer with four Nick shows to his name: Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy and Bunsen is a Beast. When he’s not busy making cartoon magic, Butch takes time to give something back: with his wife Julieann, he founded Hartman House, a non-profit organization that helps poverty-stricken people obtain food and housing.

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